Expert Post-Incorporation Services in Nigeria

SplashDict offers online Post-Incorporation Services for Registered Businesses. Our experts handle filings, changes, and secretarial duties, ensuring compliance and good standing with the CAC.

Business Entity Formation Service in Nigeria


CAC Post-Registration Support for Companies, Business Names, Non-profits, and Partnerships

After incorporation, your business may undergo changes that require updates with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). SplashDict is here to make that process seamless, efficient, and accurate.

Our Post-Incorporation Services cater to startups and established businesses alike, helping your company, business name, NGO, or partnership stay compliant and aligned with changing regulations.

With our team of CAC-accredited Chartered Secretaries, you can rely on us for efficient, accurate, and comprehensive post-incorporation support.

Our Post-Incorporation Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to streamline your post-registration needs:

  • Annual Compliance Management: Expert guidance on meeting CAC annual requirements, including annual returns and financial statements.

  • Change Management: Assistance with changes in company structure, address, partners, directors, shareholders, and other amendments.

  • Document Updates: Prepare updated documents for CAC submission.

  • Efficient Filing & Tracking: Swift submission and tracking of your application for approval.

  • Registration Updates: Delivery of updated registration certificates, Constitution / MEMART, and status reports.

  • Secure Digital Storage: Secure online storage of your documents for easy access.

  • Dedicated Support: Unlimited support throughout the process and beyond.

  • Compliance & Regulatory Assistance: Ongoing support to ensure compliance with CAC regulations and other relevant laws.

Post-Incorporation Services for All Business Entities in Nigeria

We provide specialized Post-Incorporation services for Companies, Trusts, Partnerships, and Business Names to ensure full compliance with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) regulations.

Post-Registration Services for Business Names

Our team expertly handles all Post-Registration needs for Business Names, ensuring your business remains compliant and up-to-date. Our Post-Incorporation Services for Sole Proprietorship and General Partnership Business Names include:

Annual Return Filing (Business Name)

Notice of Change in Business Name

Certified True Copy (CTC) of Registration Certificate

Notice of Change in Details of Proprietor/Partner

Notice of Change in Proprietorship

Notice of Removal/Addition of Partners

Notice of Change in General Nature of Business

Change of Principal Place of Business Address

CTC of Other Business Name Documents

Update of Business Name Information

Status Report/Letter of Good Standing

Notice of Business Cessation

Post Incorporation Services for Companies

Our expert team manages all your company post-incorporation needs, from routine filings to complex changes, keeping your company in full compliance. Our Post-Incorporation Services for Private, Public, and Guarantee Companies include:

Annual Return Filing (Private, Public, and Guarantee Companies)

Filing of Annual Report of Exempted Foreign Company

Change of Company Name

Certified True Copy (CTC) of Incorporation Certificate

CTC of Memorandum and Articles of Association

CTC of of other Company Documents

Notice of Persons with Significant Control

Director Appointment/Change Notification

Secretary Appointment/Change Notification

Notice of Change in Details or Shares of Persons with Significant Control

Notice of Change in Particulars of Directors

Notice of Change in Particulars of Secretary

Filing of Notice of Change in Registered Address

Filing of Notice of Alteration of Memorandum and Articles of Association

Notice of Increase in Issued Share Capital/Return of Allotment of Shares

Notice of Reduction in Share Capital

Status Report/Letter of Good Standing

Notice of Exemption of Foreign Company

Notice of Financial Year End or Changes therein

Extension of Time to hold Annual General Meeting

Registration of resolution for winding up

Post-Incorporation Services for Trusts

We offer comprehensive support for Incorporated Trustees, managing all regulatory filings and ensuring seamless operations. Our Post-Registration Services for Incorporated Trustee include:

Annual Return Filling for Incorporated Trustees

Name Change for Incorporated Trustees

Certified True Copy (CTC) of Trustee Certificate

Change of Registered Office Address

Update of Incorporated Trustee Information

Notice of Change of Object

Notice of Change in Details of Trustee

Notice of Change in Trustees

Notice of Change of Chairman/Secretary

Status Report/Letter of Good Standing

Notice of Amendment of Constitution

CTC of Constitution

CTC of other Incorporated Trustee Documents

Notice of Dissolution of Incorporated Trustees

Correction of Error on Certificate

Post-Incorporation Services for Partnerships (LP and LLP)

Our services ensure your Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) and Limited Partnerships (LP) remain compliant, allowing you to focus on growing your business. Our Post-Incorporation Services for Partnerships include:

Annual Return Filling for LLP and LP

Change of Partnership Name (LP & LLP)

CTC of Certificate of Registration (LP & LLP)

Change of Address of Principal Place of Business (LP & LLP)

Notice of Change in General Nature (LP & LLP)

Update of Partnership Information (LP & LLP)

Notice of Change in Details of Partner

Notice of Removal/Addition of Partners

Registration of Change in Partnership Agreement

Status Report/Letter of Good Standing

CTC of Other LLP Documents

Voluntary Striking-off (LLP)

Benefits of Post-Incorporation Services

By leveraging SplashDict’s Business Entity Registration Service, you can reap these benefits and establish a strong foundation for your business's success in Nigeria:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensures your business complies with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), avoiding penalties, fines, or legal complications.

  • Maintain Business Validity: Keep your business entity active and in good standing. 

  • Legal Protection: Properly maintaining your business entity through required filings and updates protects your company from legal disputes.

  • Credibility and Reputation: Staying current with post-incorporation obligations enhances your business’s credibility and reputation with customers, investors, and partners, showing that you are a trustworthy and responsible entity.

  • Smooth Operations: Regular updates and filings help avoid disruptions in your business activities, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations and long-term stability.

  • Avoidance of Dissolution or Deregistration: Properly maintaining your business through post-registration services helps avoid the risk of dissolution or deregistration by CAC due to non-compliance or outdated information.