CAC Introduces e-Certificate

CAC Introduces E-Certificate: Streamlining Business Registration in Nigeria

The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) has introduced a groundbreaking feature in its system: the issuance of e-certificates. This innovative step replaces the traditional manual process, allowing customers to obtain their registration and incorporation certificates conveniently online.

How the E-Certificate Works

With the new system, once your registration is approved by the CAC, the certificate is automatically generated and added to your dashboard.

You can then download and print it at your convenience. This eliminates the need to visit CAC offices, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.

Notable Changes in the New E-Certificate

Several changes have been made to the design and content of the certificates:

  • Nigerian Coat of Arms: The top of the certificate now features the Nigerian Coat of Arms, replacing the former CAC logo.
  • CAC Seal: The CAC logo has been moved to the bottom of the certificate, serving as a seal.
  • Simplified Certificates for Incorporated Trustees: Notes and cautions have been removed from certificates for Incorporated Trustees.

Transition to E-Certificates

The transition to e-certificates is part of the CAC’s implementation of the new Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 2020. According to Garba Abubakar, the Registrar General and CEO of the CAC, this shift aligns with data privacy policies and enhances security through the use of QR codes on the certificates.

Additionally, the CAC will cease issuing paper documents, including Certified True Copies (CTCs). Instead, they will provide certified extracts of company data electronically.

Public Sensitization and Software Upgrade

The CAC has committed to public sensitization regarding its newly developed software, which is designed to support the successful implementation of CAMA 2020. The software upgrade includes user-friendly features and comprehensive guidance notes to assist customers.

Portal Upgrade and New Features

Between December 28, 2020, and January 4, 2021, the CAC portal underwent a significant upgrade to incorporate the latest CAMA 2020 provisions. This upgrade introduced several customer-friendly features:

  • E-Certificates: Customers can now receive and print their e-certificates without visiting CAC offices.
  • Electronic Signatures and Photographs: Applicants can upload electronic signatures and passport photographs directly, eliminating the need to print, sign, and scan documents.

Additional Features Introduced by the CAC

  • E-Status Report: Replacing traditional CAC forms, the e-status report now serves as the standard document issued upon registration or incorporation. It replaces Form CAC 1.1 for company registration, BN 1 for business name registration, and IT Form 1 for Incorporated Trustees.
  • EDMS (Electronic Document Management System): This system manages and stores digital documents, reducing paperwork and centralizing document storage.


Simplified Business Registration with SplashDict

At SplashDict, we specialize in business registration, whether as a business name (enterprise), partnership, or company. Our team of legal experts and accredited CAC consultants assist entrepreneurs in realizing their ambitions by handling all the necessary paperwork and requirements. We also register schools, NGOs, churches, alumni clubs, and more, managing everything from consent applications to court declarations.

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