Register a Sole Proprietorship Business Name.

Application to register Business Name (Sole Proprietorship)

Application to register Business Name (Sole Proprietorship)

Complete the required details below to start your Business Name Registration process.

Business Name/Firm details:

Proposed Business Name

Please type in your proposed name as provided below:

The specific date when a Business officially begins its operational activities.

Principal Business Activity:

Specify the main activities your Business will engage in. This information is essential for registration.

Precise Activities of the Business
Provide a brief description of what your Business will primarily do.
List specific activities your Business will engage in.

Principal Place of Business:

Please give the address of the principal place of business.

Proprietor's Details

Information about the owner of the Business.

Select the type of identification (e.g., International Passport, National ID Card, Driver’s License, Permanent Voter’s Card).
Enter the number on the selected identification.
Snapshot or scanned copy of Proprietor's ID. Passport, NIN Card, Permanent Voter's Card, Driver License.
Snapshot or scanned copy of Proprietor's Passport Photograph.
Snapshot or scanned copy of Proprietor's signature on a white background
